Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Welcome to the Contrast Webhook Documentation. This documentation is your guide to integrating and leveraging the power of webhooks within the Contrast platform. Whether you are a developer looking to enhance your application's capabilities or a system administrator managing webhook configurations, this documentation provides comprehensive insights into our webhook infrastructure.

2. Getting Started

2.1 Prerequisites

Before integrating with our webhook system, ensure you have:

2.2 Webhook Setup

You can register a new endpoint directly from your Contrast account, under the Settings > Integrations menu.

For each endpoint created, Contrast will create a signing secret that will be used to verify that the webhook actually comes from Contrast (cf. section 4.1).

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3. Webhook Events

3.1 Event overview

By registering webhook endpoints in your Contrast account, you enable Contrast to automatically send Event object as part of POST requests to the registered webhook endpoint hosted by your application.****

Each webhook event sends a JSON payload to the specified endpoint. Refer to our Event Payload Reference for detailed information on payload structure and available data.

3.2 Event Types